Interstitial Lung Disease

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Here you will find a range of resources on Interstitial Lung Disease. Case Studies and Feature Articles related to Interstitial Lung Disease are available to read here - simply select 'Filter by' and then Interstitial Lung Disease.

BTS Lung Disease Registries

BTS Lung Disease Registries provide a means of national data collection encompassing three disease areas; IPF, sarcoidosis and MDR-TB.  Visit the...

ILD Nursing- Securing funding for ILD nurse specialists

Helen Morris, is an Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Specialist Nurse, working at Wythenshawe Hospital’s North West Lung Centre. Here she shares her...

NICE IPF Quality Standard

This quality standard covers managing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (gradual scarring of the lungs) in adults. It includes diagnosis by a...