Occupational Lung Disease

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Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Information

You might get Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) if you became ill or are disabled because of an accident or disease either: at work on...


Access information and guidance on occupational health risk by industry. Access the website here.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Free leaflets and information sheets on Occupational Lung Health

This webpage has a list of publications, leaflets and information to use freely including statistics and industry-specific guidance. Visit the...

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Information on Silicosis

Exposure to Respirable crystalline silica (RCS) over a long period can cause fibrosis (hardening or scarring) of the lung tissue with a consequent...

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Occupational Asthma

Learn about occupational asthma, including a list of substances that can trigger occupational asthma. Access the website.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Pneumoconiosis

The term 'pneumoconiosis' refers to a group of lung diseases caused by the inhalation - and retention in the lungs - of dusts. The most commonly...

The Health and Occupation Research (THOR) Network - SWORD Surveillance of Work-related and Occupational Respiratory Disease

SWORD has been collecting data on occupational respiratory diseases for over 30 years. Approximately 350 physicians currently report to SWORD. These...

UK Occupational Lung Disease services and contact details (GORDS)

GORDS is a Group of Occupational Respiratory Disease Specialists. It is a mixture of Doctors, Nurses and Scientists. Each member is either employed by...

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) - Extrinsic allergic alveolitis

Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) refers to a group of lung diseases that can develop after exposure to certain substances. Learn more information...

British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on Occupational Asthma

Occupational Asthma accounts for around 1 in 6 cases of adult-onset asthma, and is most commonly caused by individuals developing an allergy to...