Service Delivery


A collection of free to access resources from different organisations and individuals. 

The British Thoracic Society does not endorse, recommend or take responsibility for the content of the resources hosted on the Respiratory Futures website.

The documents available for download have been shared for use by clinical teams and may be adapted for local use. Please acknowledge the relevant individual organisations as the source for any materials developed from these documents.


Case studies

Respiratory Futures case studies on Treating Tobacco Dependency


Job Descriptions

CURE - Assistant Project Manager

CURE - Project Manager

Northern Care Alliance - Band 2 Smoking Cessation Advisor

Northern Care Alliance - Band 3 Smoking Cessation Advisor/Administrator

Northern Care Alliance - Band 5 Smoking Cessation Nurse

UHSM - Band 6 Specialist Nurse (and Competencies)

UHSM - Band 7 Senior Specialist Nurse/Midwife

QUIT - Band 3 Tobacco Treatment Advisor



Smoke free policy template


Position Statements

British Thoracic Society Position Statement on Tobacco 2021

British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on the Medical Management of Inpatients with Tobacco Dependency

Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) position statements on the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid


Guides for Clinicians
Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS)Tobacco Dependency Pragmatic Guide

NHSE Pathway Flow Chart for Inpatients: Treating Tobacco Dependency



NCSCT - Examples of varenicline PGD and NRT voucher protocols



Nicotine vaping in England: 2022 evidence update

NICE Guideline - Tobacco: Preventing update, promoting quitting and treating dependence

Cochrane Library - Pharmacological and electronic cigarette interventions for smoking cessation in adults: component network meta-analyses


Referral and/or Diagnostic Pathways

Manchester's CURE Project's pathway