Service Development


A collection of free to access resources from different organisations and individuals. 

The British Thoracic Society does not endorse, recommend or take responsibility for the content of the resources hosted on the Respiratory Futures website.

The documents available for download have been shared for use by clinical teams and may be adapted for local use. Please acknowledge the relevant individual organisations as the source for any materials developed from these documents.

Academic papers and recommendations

BMJORR - Health economic analysis for the ‘CURE Project’ pilot

ASH - Delivering a Smokefree 2030: The APPG on Smoking and Health recommendations for the Tobacco Control Plan 2021 

RCP (London) - Nicotine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduction report

RCP (London) - Smoking and health 2021: A coming of age for tobacco control report 

Local tobacco control assessment

PHE CLeaR - guidance and documents

QUIT resources

Summary Pathways - Acute Trust Inpatients

Treating Tobacco Addiction: Medication Fact Sheets

Clinical Cases

NCSCT - The clinical case for providing stop smoking support to hospitalised patients (2020)


Tobacco dependence treatment services: Lessons learnt from Early Implementer Sites

National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)

NCSCT - Home

Smokefree Action Coalition

Smokefree Action Coalition - Home


British Thoracic Oncology Group Podcast Series: BTOG does CURE Programme and Tobacco Addiction