Training and Education

Webinars: Treating Tobacco Dependency


Webinar Series 4: Supporting the treatment of tobacco dependence 

Session 1 – NHSE Tobacco Dependency Programme Patient Level Data Collection  

This webinar took place on  Wednesday, 11 October 2023                    

Chair: Prof Sanjay Agrawal, National Specialty Advisor Tobacco Dependence 

Speakers –  

- Tom Frost - Senior Analytical Manager, NHS England 

- Jack Hodgson – Analyst (Prevention), NHS England 

- Paul Cilia-La-Corte - Senior Programme Manager (Prevention), NHS England 

Data collection is one of the most important steps to delivering and maintaining a successful tobacco dependency service. This session focussed on the NHSE monthly patient-level data collection.                       

Part 1 - How to collect the right information - looked at the data practitioners need to capture and featured a walk-through of the process.    

Part 2 - How to make the data work for you - provided a demonstration of the NHSE tobacco dependence data dashboard and how to make the data work for you, ensuring you get the most out of the information you have. 

Watch the full recording of the webinar session below


Watch a demo of the data dashboard below



Download the webinar slides

Download the webinar 'useful resources' slides

Read our Tobacco Dependency Frequently Asked Questions

See our suite of Tobacco Dependency Project resources

Visit the past events page below for recordings and resources from previous webinar sessions.