Workforce & Careers Resources

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All Professions - NHS - Guide to an NHS career

This website allows you to register your interest in learning more about starting a career with the NHS. You can sign up to their email programme to...

All Professions - NHS - Training Directory for respiratory disease specialty

Respiratory teams are being impacted by changing patient demographics, workforce shortages, recruitment and seasonal pressures. The importance of...

Advanced Clinical Practitioners - Governance of advanced practice

The Centres Governance Maturity Matrix aims to help organisations assess and improve advanced practice standards. The maturity matrix allows...

Advanced Clinical Practitioners: NHS England - What is advanced clinical practice?

This article by NHS England discusses the role of Advanced Clinical Practitioners, the skills they have, and how their knowledge allows them to take...

Nursing: Royal College of Nursing website

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is the world's largest nursing union and professional body. The RCN website includes a range of information about...

Nursing: Association of Respiratory Nursing website

The Association of Respiratory Nurses (ARNS) was established in 1997 as a nursing forum to champion the specialty respiratory nursing...

Pharmacists: Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education in Respiratory

This website offers an introduction to respiratory pharmacy, learning opportunities and assessments, and tools from a range of sources. Visit the...

Physician Associates: Royal College of Physicians Faculty of Physician Associates (FPARCP)

Understand the role of physician associate, scope of practice, and how to employ a physician associate. Access the website, including an FAQ section,...

Physiology: Association for Respiratory Technology & Physiology (ARTP) website

Understand the career prospects of working in physiological science. Learn about research, education, management and specialised work in the field of...

Physiotherapy: Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (ACPRC) website

The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care promotes health and best practice in respiratory physiotherapy for the...

Physiotherapy: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy - Careers and Jobs

Whether you’re thinking about applying for a physio apprenticeship or university course, looking for your next role, or wanting to work in the UK, the...

Respiratory conditions: reducing pressure on emergency hospital services

A collection of resources developed by NICE, with input from other national organisations and programmes including Public Health England and NHS...

Speech and Language Therapy: Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are allied health professionals. They work with parents, carers and other professionals, such as teachers,...

Speech and Language Therapy: The role of speech and language therapy in upper airway disorders within adult respiratory services

This paper by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) reflects the development of speech and language therapy practice within UK...

Speech and Language Therapy - Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

This webpage covers what respiratory SLTs do, includes patient stories, and links to a range of other helpful resources. Access the website here.