Project Aims

This is a BTS project which aims to support those who provide tobacco dependence treatment services in hospitals. This project will support clinicians through sharing information and disseminating good practice.

BTS will provide a sustainable and impartial mechanism for improving tobacco dependence treatment by supporting clinicians working in NHS services. It will be complementary to the delivery of the NHSE & I funded transformation project to offer NHS-funded tobacco dependence treatment. As such, it will support: 

• Creating and support a network of respiratory clinical leads who are interested in leading their hospital tobacco dependence treatment programme.
• As part of this network, providing dedicated support to the incoming tobacco dependency advisors - who will be new to the role - with access to educational materials, QI, webinars and networking.
• Provision of resources to healthcare professionals.
• Working collaboratively with mental health and maternity bodies to provide materials and sessions tailored to the wider impact of the Long Term Plan interventions.
• Use of the BTS national audit platform to support the data collection associated with this project.

The project is aligned to NHSE&I's Long Term Plan tobacco dependency treatment programme but will be relevant to those working in this area across the UK.

A communication plan will support the dissemination of information and best practice examples via Respiratory Futures. There will also be opportunities at the Winter and Summer Meeting to promote the work.

January 2022