BTS launches new Tobacco Dependency Treatment webinar series

Thursday, May 5, 2022

BTS has developed a new series of webinars to support healthcare professionals in setting-up tobacco dependence treatment services in their trusts. This new series has been designed to address the most frequent questions that arose in the first, with each webinar answering a different "How do I..." question with realistic and achievable practical tips.

The first Session - How do I quickly identify patients that smoke? will take place on Thursday 19th May – 1.00-1.45pm, you can book your place here.

This session will focus on early identification of patients with a tobacco dependence and the importance of an IT system that captures and enables treatment to begin as soon as possible is key to successfully supporting all patients. It will showcase how to create a gold standard IT service and demonstrate how to use live data effectively to identify patients who smoke as soon as they are admitted. 

Chair: Joanna Feeney – OHID Regional Tobacco Control Lead  

Speakers: Heidi Croucher - Dorset ICS Treating Tobacco Dependency Programme Manager and Lisa Irving - Public Health Strategy & Programme Manager Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

If you missed the first series, all recordings are available on the Past Events page.