BTS Webinar Series - Supporting services treating tobacco dependence

Thursday, February 3, 2022

BTS has announced a new webinar series to support healthcare professionals in setting-up tobacco dependence services in their trusts. The webinars are based on the seven steps of the tobacco dependency roadmap, which has been developed to help navigate the processes involved in delivering a successful tobacco dependency treatment service.

These sessions will provide realistic and achievable practical tips with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.

These webinars will be aimed at the following three key audiences:

  • those who are in the early stages of setting up a service and require help starting the process
  • those who are already involved in the service and require further support/guidance with delivery
  • those who have successfully implemented the service who may need information on how to maintain momentum

The webinars will be recorded and uploaded onto the tobacco Dependency Project section of Respiratory Futures as a useful resource to accompany the Road Map. Webinars are free but registration is required. There will be no limit on attendance.


Session 1 - Identify the Funds and Partners 

Thursday 24 February – 1-1.45pm - Chaired by Professor Sanjay Agrawal, National Specialty Adviser for Tobacco Addiction.

This session will help guide clinicians through the process from the very beginning, identifying the key partners to link in with and advice on how to get the Respiratory voice to be heard in the correct arenas. 


Dr Charles Sharp, Consultant Respiratory Physician

Joanna Feeney, Regional Tobacco Control Lead for OHID (Office of Health Improvements & Disparities)  


Session 2 - Plan the Programme/Education & Training 

Thursday 3 March – 1-1.45pm - Chaired by Dr Helen Ward, West Midlands Respiratory Clinical Director 

This session will provide a walkthrough guide through the planning process from a project manager perspective and provide a training initiation overview to highlight the importance of educating staff to support the programme. 


Arran Woodhouse, Lead Tobacco Dependence Specialist, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Melanie Perry, Project Manager BTS Tobacco Dependency Project.

Jo Coleman, Quality Improvement Lead, Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust


Session 3 - Deliver the Programme 

Monday 21 March – 1-1.45pm – Chaired by Dr Matt Evison, Consultant Chest Physician at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Lead for the CURE project and BTS Tobacco Dependency SAG member.

This entire session will focus on the launch and delivery of a successful programme within an acute trust drawing on the experiences of experts that have been involved in the Early Implementer Sites 


Professor Sanjay Agrawal, Early Implementer Site Clinical Lead, University Hospitals of Leicester, and National Specialty Adviser for Tobacco Addiction

Charlotte Winders, Public Health Midwife, Blackpool Victoria Hospital.


Session 4 - Be a Visible Champion/Make the Project Sustainable  

Thursday 31 March – 1-1.45pm - Chaired by Dr Zaheer Mangera, Chair of BTS Tobacco Dependency SAG 

This session will share experiences as a successful hearts and mind champion and advocate for tobacco dependency treatment & discuss ways to ensure the programme is embedded within acute trusts for the long term. 


Dr Ruth Sharrock, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Clinical Lead for the Northeast and North Cumbria ICS for Tobacco.  

Vandana Khurana, Project Manager, Prevention Programme, James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.