ITN and Respiratory Futures announce production of 'Breathing Better Together' film

Monday, June 5, 2023

Respiratory Futures partner with ITN Business to showcase ‘Breathing Better Together’ exploring game-changing innovations and multi-disciplinary cross collaboration

Launching 23rd November at the British Thoracic Society’s Annual Winter Meeting 2023

Respiratory disease, whether acute or chronic, remains a significant challenge for many people in the UK. Impaired breathing can impact all areas of one’s wellbeing: social, mental, physical, financial. Advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and management, are however, offering better outcomes for many patients.

To raise awareness of respiratory disease and to celebrate the collaborative work being done in the sector, Respiratory Futures have once again partnered with ITN Business to produce news-style programme ‘Breathing Better Together’.

Presented by Lukwesa Burak from the ITN London studio, ‘Breathing Better Together’ will feature stories of patients experiencing respiratory disease and showcase the clinicians and researchers working to help them. Additionally, the programme will look at game-changing innovations in the sector, and celebrate the multi-disciplinary, cross collaboration approach that defines thoracic care in the UK.

Dr Paul Walker, Chair, BTS Board of Trustees said “We know that one in five people in the UK will need treatment for a lung condition in their lifetime, and lung disease is often linked with breathlessness, which can have a terrible impact on a person’s quality of life. It does not have to be this way, and there are many new and innovative treatments available. We hope our continued partnership with ITN Business will show how the right treatment, delivered by the right respiratory specialist at the right time, can provide huge benefits to people living with breathlessness.”

The programme will explore key themes including:

  • Transformational therapeutics, exploring game-changing treatment options in diseases such as cystic fibrosis and in conditions such as asthma
  • Precision medicine
  • Celebrating the multi-disciplinary teams that are collaborating for better outcomes
  • Sustainability in the delivery of some respiratory medicines


Nina Harrison-Bell, Head of ITN Business said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Respiratory Futures once again to shine a light on respiratory diseases and the tremendous work happening across the industry to advance diagnosis, treatment and management.”

Launching this November, ‘Breathing Better Together’ will combine expert interviews, news items and reporter-led sponsored editorial profiles and will premiere at the BTS Annual Winter Meeting 2023. The programme will be supported by a digital launch and marketing campaign and will be hosted on the ITN Business content hub.

There are commercial opportunities for leading organisations to be featured in the programme and spearhead their own news item. We're looking for organisations working in the respiratory space to take part and share their story. If this seems relevant to your work, then please contact ITN Business’ Senior Programme Director Georgia Gerstein at or Rams Bdesha at


The trailer of the film is now available to view. Click here to watch.